
Winston TanThank you for reviewing the website of InTandem LLC. InTandem’s mission is to provide our clients with the very best information, direction, and methodologies to achieve peak performance and ideal compensation solutions. Please explore the site, and then let’s talk…get acquainted, discuss a need, or allow me to tell you more about InTandem.


Winston L. Tan

Managing Principal

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InTandem Stories

InTandem offers solutions to many challenges utilities are facing today. Here are a few stories…

OBSOLETE PLAN: a Story of Creating Alignment and Reducing Exposure

NO PLAN: a Story of Boosting Morale Linking Pay to Performance

SUCCESSION PLANNING: a Story of a Utility at Risk

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Empowering Performance

InTandem helps organizations stay in step with industry trends, advances and metrics.
InTandem helps organizations achieve harmony leading to peak levels of performance.
InTandem works beside our clients in the spirit of partnership to achieve greater results.


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