Public utilities make such a significant contribution to American enterprise and society. Behind “the power” at the local and regional level are thousands of competent and committed people working diligently to serve their communities. InTandem’s mission is to serve those utilities and communities with the very best information, direction, and methodologies to achieve peak performance and ideal compensation solutions. Our work includes the gamut of compensation services and products including compensation plans, executive compensation plans, pay for performance, strategic planning, etc.
Sample Client List
- A&N Electric Cooperative, VA
- Meade County RECC, KY
- American Samoa Power Authority, AS
- Middle Tennessee EMC, TN
- Bluegrass Energy, KY
- Midstate Electric, OR
- Bowling Green Municipal Utilities, KY
- Navopache Electric Co-op, AZ
- Central Alabama Electric, AL
- New Hampshire Electric Co-op, NH
- Central GA EMC, GA
- South Central Indiana REMC, IN
- Central REC, OK
- Okanogan PUD, WA
- Central Virginia Electric Cooperative, VA
- Oconee EMC, GA
- Choptank Electric Co-op, MD
- Pee Dee Electric, SC
- Chugach Electric Association, AK
- Pee Dee EMC, NC
- Jefferson Energy, GA
- Peninsula Light Company, WA
- Cobb EMC, GA
- Powder River Energy, WY
- Copper Valley Electric Assn., AK
- Rappahannock Electric Co-op, VA
- Cumberland EMC, TN
- Jackson Energy Authority, TN
- Decatur Utilities, AL
- East Mississippi Electric Power Assn., MS
- Sawnee EMC, GA
- Southwest Arkansas REA, AR
- Sitka Electric Department, AK
- Four County EPA, Columbus, MS
- Snapping Shoals EMC, GA
- Greenville Utilities, MS
- South Central Power, OH
- GreyStone Power Corporation, GA
- South Kentucky RECC, KY
- Homer Electric Association, AK
- Southeastern Indiana REMC, IN
- Horry Electric Cooperative, SC
- Huntsville Utilities, AL
- Jo-Carroll Energy, IL
- Sulphur Springs Valley Electric, AZ
- Jones-Onslow EMC, NC
- Volunteer Energy, TN
- Lassen MUD, CA
- Warren RECC, KY
- North Arkansas Electric Co-op, AR
- West River Electric Association, SD
- Lumbee River EMC, NC
- Western Farmers Electric, OK
- Magic Valley Electric Cooperative, TX
- Yazoo Valley EPA, MS