InTandem offers a unique suite of services related to strategy and leadership development. Often there is a critical path that develops from initial compensation initiatives that lead to engagement with leadership. Those interactions support overall change, planning, and culture enhancements. InTandem also offers specific coaching and leadership development services to support broad initiatives. Some of those strategic needs include:
• Change management
• Strategic planning
• Conflict resolution
• Board development
• Competitive planning
• Culture development
• Internal & external branding
• Recruitment & retention
(New!) Leadership Foundation
Leadership Foundation is a 3-month leadership development program designed for company leaders with direct reports. The program covers 1) the leadership essentials 2) effective communication and 3) using coaching as a leadership tool. These skills are the foundation of developing effective team members. The course is delivered in a one day intensive, followed by options for “shadowing” or coaching sessions. Within 2 weeks of the initial training, follow up phone conferences are used to discuss progress and challenges. Three months following the initial training, a sustainment session is held to review training content and discuss best practices. After sustainment, companies have the option to complete the program with a Close Out report, or purchase a second leadership development cycle titled Developing Effective Team Members
Strategy Breakthrough Sessions
This targeted process aims at solving critical organizational challenges through a streamlined and focused interaction with our team. Conducted with key leadership groups at the board and/or executive level, these sessions aim to solve emergent organizational challenges that are impeding progress either directly with the compensation initiatives or in a broader way. InTandem is adept at facilitating breakthrough thinking and consensus.
Change Management
Change management is a structured approach to shifting/transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. InTandem works with leadership to help manage overall changes relating to performance systems, new compensation structures, etc.
Conflict Transformation
Conflict transformation is the process by which conflicts are transformed into peaceful and productive outcomes. This process differs from mere “resolution” or “management” and seeks to address the underlying dynamics present in the conflict and seek to create organizational and cultural change which not only resolves the problems, but creates new structures and understandings for the future.
Strategic Planning Facilitation
Your organization runs well, but does the way you do business support the challenges you will face in future? To position your utility to meet the challenges of the future, ongoing strategic planning at all levels is an essential management tool. A formal strategic planning process focuses your organization on long-term viability. Strategic planning is creating a vision of the future and managing toward that outcome. It’s operating under a mission statement umbrella that focuses the organization’s effort. It’s an effective process for aligning your short-term decisions with your long-term goals.
Strategic planning answers the three big questions:
• Where are we today?
• Where do we want to be in the future?
• What should we be focused on today, in order to make it more likely we will be where we want to be in the future?
Our consultants work with you and your board to develop a comprehensive strategic plan. Through facilitated sessions we help you develop the strategies that will take your organization into the future with solutions specifically tailored to your organization.