InTandem…Empowering Performance
InTandem’s mission is to empower performance. Ultimately, all of our work focuses on the very end deliverable of increased performance within a utility: with employees, with executives and leadership, and overall organizationally. InTandem’s consultants are adept at keeping this goal in view in each of their practices. We offer unique knowledge and methodologies to attain peak performance as we structure compensation plans, performance management systems, address leadership or culture challenges, and optimize operations systems.
Creating the conditions, structures and systems for optimal performance is as much an art as it is a science. It sometimes takes a special relational and creative touch. With our successful engagements with hundreds of utilities, Winston Tan and his team offer unique insight, sensitivity, and proven approaches to solve a myriad of challenges. We would appreciate the opportunity to serve you.

InTandem helps organizations stay in step with industry trends, advances, and metrics.
InTandem helps organizations achieve harmony leading to peak levels of performance.
InTandem works beside our clients in the spirit of partnership to achieve greater results.